July 15, 2012

Shabby Apple Winner & Random Pics

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Hubby and I have been busy at work around the house. We added wainscoting to our entryway and have been painting a majority of our main floor. Can't say it has been a lot of fun but the results are totally worth it. I've been taking lots of before and after pics and I hope to share them sometime soon. In the meantime, here are some random pictures via Instagram (love that app!).

And I am a day late to draw a winner for the Shabby Apple giveaway. Too busy painting yesterday! 
The winner is #41 - Gina @ Crave to Save. Conrats, Gina!

1 comment:

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Looks like you have been busy Emily! I love the photo of the bowl of cherries. Can't wait to see the before and after photos of your main floor. I'm sure all you hard work painting will be worth it!


PS - so bummed I missed your giveaway...ugh!