April 23, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Salad

My husband and I are crazy about all things buffalo chicken.
We eat our buffalo chicken tacos on a pretty regular basis and never get tired of them.
For something different I decided to make a buffalo chicken salad.
I loved it and it got hubby's approval as well.

Here's what you need:

Hot Wing sauce (our favorite is Frank's)
Blue Cheese
Shredded carrots
Ranch or Blue Cheese Dressing

Cover chicken with hot wing sauce and let marinade until ready to bake or grill.
Once chicken is cooked, let it cool slightly then slice and toss with additional sauce.
Assemble salad with lettuce, carrots, chicken & blue cheese.
Drizzle with hot wing sauce and add desired dressing.

Dig in and enjoy!

Linked to: Tempy My Tummy TuesdayTuesdays at the TableTasty Tuesday, Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style, Strut Your Stuff Saturdays @ Six Sister' Stuff

April 9, 2012

Baked Kale Chips

Have you jumped on the Kale bandwagon yet?  Just recently I made my first batch of Kale Chips and had pretty low expectations on how they would taste but after one bite I was hooked.  Even my husband is crazy about them.

Here's what I use:

Olive Oil
Seasoning {I use Mrs. Dash}
Garlic Salt

Remove leaves from stem and tear into bite size pieces.

Give the kale a good rinse.
Then use a salad spinner to remove as much water as possible.

Just to make sure all the water is gone, I lay the kale out on a towel and pat dry.
You don't want the leaves wet otherwise you end up with steamed kale instead of kale chips.

Spread the kale on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, then generously sprinkle with seasoning and garlic salt.

Bake at 350° for 10-15 minutes.
Be sure to keep an eye on the kale while baking.
There is a fine line between floppy kale chips and charred kale chips.
The final result should be nice and crunchy.

Let cool and enjoy!

Linked to: Tempt My Tummy Tuesday & Tasty Tuesday